mobile device spam

Another vector of spam, phishing, and malware attack is texts and phone calls. Here are some points to consider with text and phone:


  • If you don't recognize the phone number and/or there is no identifying information (company name, or person's name) in the text, do not respond.
  • Definitely do not click on any links in the text. 
  • Report the text as spam to your phone carrier. How to do that varies from phone to phone, but on an android, long press the text in question, a menu comes up with the option to Report spammer.

Phone Calls

If possible, don't answer calls from numbers you don't recognize. Phone spammers have huge lists of phone numbers they robocall. When someone answers, they get marked as active and that number becomes a target. If you have to answer a call, be cautious about saying anything until you know it is a legitimate call. For example, just say, "Hello". If someone asks for your name or tries to get you to say, "Yes", ask who is calling. Spammers try to get you to say your name or yes which they then record and attempt to do mischief with it.